Wednesday, January 2, 2013

resolutions? hell YES

sure don't we all have them ??

Fear of falure ... well YES ...fear off looking stupid ...duhh ... fear of pain and things being too hard... yup that too.. but what the hell...

soooo Brian and I have been doing a lot of dreaming and scheeming over the holiday -- there are lots of dreams and things in the works on the wine side as well as ideas for the farm and hopefully making our lives easier on that front... but brian asked me to not go to public with those here on the blog till we are a little further along.. (fear ?? a little for sure but I promise more on that in the coming weeks)  -- I will say we have a 20 yard dumpster coming this weekend and we are starting with some clean up -- gotta clean up old projects before you start new ones!!

 ... so in the mean time ..

Some personal resolutions these are self centered but you have to start inside and work out I think.....

Get down to 'fighting weight' and make my final rank - black belt - I've been at this since the fall of 2007 and it's been an awesome journey!!.... the once a year black belt test is in june and I want IN.. my sensi has not invited me yet that's a few months out... I just need to do the work...

GET INTO THE STUDIO.. it's that simple once I'm in there it will flow.. I spent Christmas break cleaning and purging in there and I'm almost done...  : )

and the last thing work on my book.. yup it's an ilustrated book... It's in the works but kind of treading water at the moment...

so there it is...

loose 25 lbs
get my black belt
do my art
finish my book

: ) nothing like big dreams... ha... bring it 2013 I say... if I'm gonna fail I may as well fail big (and sure publicly while I'm at it) and if I'm gonna live this life I may as well live it ... : )

cheers to you all and happy new year!!