Tuesday, November 20, 2012

Happy Thanksgiving!

We hope your tables are filled with a community of family and friends, love and great food and wine!

 thank you jeremy for the beautiful shots from our harvest dinner celebration!

This coming weekend we invite you to come out and taste our fall wines and take some home for your table.

We will be open 11am to 5pm Nov 23rd,24th and 25th
(if you come please use the directions on our web site)

For those of you who are waiting to buy your fall wines there are literally a hand full of cases of the fall release 2010 pinots available - so don't delay. I'm sure they will be gone by the end of the holiday weekend  - the 2011's will be released in the spring.

The Work Horse Red is drinking beautifully and is my pick for the holiday table - as our friend laura said ... "this wine is greater than the sum of it's parts" - with it's parts being our two top tier vineyards - the resonance vineyard fruit and our white hawk fruit! It's a stunner and was an inspiration on Brian's part to combine them in this blend of 90% pinot and 10% syrah.

The rains have come and we are starting to hunker in for winter. We are happy that all the beautiful 2012 wines are snug in there barrels.
Thank you all for the enthusiasm and support of our project - it means so much to have our wine on your tables.

Happy Holidays -  Cheers! Clare and Brian

and on a note of thanks  - thanks kim for the beautiful wreaths~!
you can buy kim's wreaths at the mcminnville saturday market 

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